
16 songs that remind you to calm down and catch a breath

Smrithi Mohan
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songs for your mind

We need songs for our mind and soul, especially on days when things don’t feel good. Here’s a playlist that might help during tough times!

Sunshine on the water looks so lovely. Sunshine almost always makes me high! Yes John, it does! Songs are like the intoxicant that keeps the high in our lives alive. The high that gives meaning to the emotions we feel at times and don’t know how to express them. The high that acts as fuel keeps our appreciation for the things around us alive. Life is not a conundrum but a simple movie with days that range from happy, exciting, sad, difficult, and confusing. And that is exactly why music and songs become the medicine that makes our existence meaningful. It's what we want on our happiest days, but it is what need on our sad ones. We all need the reminder to take a break from the ride that is life, stay still and breathe. 

Art never disappoints us. So if you are someone who is feeling exhausted and like life is taking up a lot of your energy, then give this little playlist a listen. We hope that you find some peace with these artists and their muses.

Also Read: Songs that sound like lullabies for adults

Here's a playlist for your mind:

John Denver - Sunshine On My Shoulders

Khwaja Mere Khwaja - A R Rahman

Billy Joel - Piano Man

Aaro Nenjil - Gowry Lekshmi

Hozier - From Eden

The Lumineers - Slow it down

David Kushner - Daylight

Sam Cooke – You Send Me

Masala Coffee - Snehithane

Agam - Uyirum Neeye

Don McLean - American Pie

Jeremy Zucker - always, i'll care

Simon & Garfunkel - Bridge over Troubled Water

Kun Faya Kun - A. R. Rahman, Javed Ali, and Mohit Chauhan

V - Christmas Tree

The Beatles - Hey Jude

Who do you listen to when you are feeling anxious? Share the artist and song with us in the comments below.

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breathe Music songs Playlist songs to listen to ketchup playlist music to listen to soft songs songs for anxious minds songs for your mind songs that calm down songs that help you calm down songs to listen to when feeling anxious