
20 Pakalu Papito tweets that will make you yell 'SAME!'

Mohammad Kanchwala
New Update
20 Pakalu Papito tweets that will make you yell 'SAME!'

Lets make one thing clear, Pakalu Papito is pretty much the funniest guy that ever existed on Twitter, and I don't care if you disagree because I have proof. Not only is he funny, his problems are LITERALLY my problems.

Pakalu Papito is basically all of us. He is the voice of the lazy, ugly, single, awkward, socially challenged, poor, job hating people that we all are! Trust me, Pakalu Papito is the holder of a social media mirror and his tweets should be treated as gospel.

And if you ever thought that being lazy, ugly, single, awkward, socially challenged, poor, job hater was no laughing matter, you clearly do not know Pakalu Papito enough. If you ask me to describe Pakalu Papito, I would use three words (and this entire text too), and those words are, HILARIOUS, TRUE AF AND RELATABLE. I'll give you the chance to say SAME 20 times for the first time in your life.

1. Same!

Pakalu Papito

2. Do I care? Also No. Pakalu Papito

3. Same.

Pakalu Papito4. Guilty. Pakalu Papito

5. Hey, I do wake up to sneak food out of the fridge right? Pakalu Papito

6. Except eat and sleep. Pakalu Papito

7. Goddamn Mom and Dad! Pakalu Papito

8. No no. Don't answer. I don't want to know. Pakalu Papito

9. I could teach you but I'm too tired. Pakalu Papito

10. You mean perfect? Pakalu Papito

11. *sheds clothing* *crashes into a pile of ugly on sofa* Pakalu Papito12. Anxiety keeps DMing me wtf Pakalu Papito

13. Same. Pakalu Papito

14. Always and forever. Pakalu Papito

15. Technically, I'm right. Honestly? I'm fat.

Pakalu Papito

16. 74 If I could buy abs.

Pakalu Papito

17. Read tweet number 6.Pakalu Papito

18. I couldn't hear you over the sound of women gasping at how awesome I am. Pakalu Papito

19. I'm already in the van! Pakalu Papito

20. Extremely well qualified. Pakalu Papito


Now you know what I mean?

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