
#KetchupTalks: Aakash Ranison talks about ways to adopt sustainable living

Smrithi Mohan
New Update
Aakash Ranison

We had a chat with the environmentalist Aakash Ranison as he talked about his latest book "Climate Change Explained for one and all" and more.

The environment is part of us, and we are part of the environment. This beautiful and luscious environment is under great pressure and is fighting back in sad and disheartening ways. While we continue to fight various issues, climate change is one major problem that seems to unite the world. Teen activists taking to the streets to march and demand a better future for them is an overwhelming example of the same. Indian activist Aakash Ranison is one such ally who has dedicated his life to creating awareness about the environment and various climate issues.

Akash is a Content Creator, Climate Change Activist, Sustainability Advocate, and Author. He has been walking, cycling, running, hitchhiking around the world while making an effort to work for Climate Change. Sustainable and minimal living is part of his living, and that is one of his ways of contributing towards a better future. On Earth Day, Akash released his latest e-book called "Climate Change Explained for one and all." The book addresses one of the biggest issues plaguing our planet today: Climate Change and the things people should know about. The book also aims to be a guideline for sustainable living in the 21st century. We had a chat with the environmentalist himself as she talked about his book and more.

Here's what Aakash Ranison had to share:

If you had to describe your sustainable lifestyle to our reader what would you say?

"A major part of my sustainable lifestyle is about understanding my relationship with nature & what is true happiness for me. Declutter things I don’t need in life creates space for better things to come in life. Following these practices, I’ve managed to create a life where I can fit in everything I own in one backpack and travel to other corners of the world."

What does sustainable and minimal living mean to you and how would explain it to people?

"Sustainable and Minimal living brings me close to nature and keeps me happy. Being a minimalist I only have things in my life which I genuinely require to operate, for explain I only have four pairs of clothes. And being sustainable means living in harmony with nature, such as following a plant-based diet & a zero-waste lifestyle. Being sustainable and minimal I get to live a life where I am happy, healthy & free to roam around the world."

What inspired you to adopt to this lifestyle?

"Firstly the influence of Swami Vivekananda, & secondly back in 2014, I started travelling & got to experience this magnificent plant earth and I fell in love with it and while living in Spiti Valley, I got close to Buddhist culture which taught me kindness and compassion. With these experiences came wisdom which made me the person I am."

Can you talk more about your e-book "Climate Change Explained for one and all" and what it means to you?

"The history of the scientific discovery of climate change began in the early 19th century then why is it that even after centuries and with the technology in every hand where information travels at the speed of light humans still don't seem to understand a crisis caused by our daily actions which are leading us towards an anthropogenic extinction & has the potential to put human species' survival on earth at risk?

Today, Climate change is still considered a "problem in the future" that has no direct correlation to people’s daily actions and that's because of the gap in the communication of the crisis. The scientific discoveries & research papers from scientists and reports from the world organizations published are not easy to understand for a common man and the efforts done by marketing and PR campaigns still don’t seem to improve people’s understanding of the issue as they tend to believe that climate change is more of a global issue to be battled by international entities than an individual’s responsibility too.

There is where this book steps in with communicating everything in a language anyone and everyone can understand along with beautiful illustrations to keep the user engaged and going ahead with the flow easily. With this book, I hope I’ll be able to bring people on the same page where we all take steps towards a sustainable future together."

Your book aims at being a guideline to sustainable living in the 21st century. Personally what steps do you take in order to live in a sustainable way?

The following are the steps I follow to live in a sustainable way

  • Follow a vegan lifestyle - 5 years
    • Plant-Based Diet
    • No animal by-products
  • No single-use plastic:
    • Chips, Cold Drinks, Water Bottles, Biscuits
    • I use; bamboo toothbrush, shampoo bar, stainless steel cutlery travel kit
  • Sustainable Products & Waste Management
    • Environment-friendly soap, detergent, dishwasher, etc.
    • Composting biodegradable waste & recycling the non-biodegradable waste
  • No Flights: Emission > Time.
    • I've only taken 3 flights in life and none in the last 4 years.
  • No Car or Bike: I instead cycle, walk, hitchhike, trek, kayak, etc.
    • I do not own any fossil fuel vehicles, when needed I use public transport system.
  • Minimal & green Tech & Electric Devices:
    • Didn't buy a new phone in the last 6 years & a laptop in 4 years.
    • Currently using a secondhand phone - iPhone 8
    • I carry a 15000 mAh solar charger.
    • I host my websites on servers running on green/renewable energy.
  • Minimal Textile Consumption: Saying no to fast fashion.
    • I only own 4 pairs of clothes & 2 jackets & shoes all made from recycled plastic & are vegan.
  • I work with NGOs and on projects to offset my carbon footprints.
  • I invest in companies/stocks that are working in the green industry, TATA.
  • I do not work associate with brands, I do not environment friendly or not taking steps towards a sustainable future.
    • Rejected to work with Pepsi, Lays, Maruti, Hero, etc.
  • I pledged to not have a biological child because having a biological child is the biggest carbon footprint one can have. Everything your child<& his children> does add up into your count."

As a Content Creator and Climate Change Activist who do you follow to get your inspirations from?

"I didn’t get inspired by anyone particular individual to become a climate change activists, it wasn't because of some scientific reason either, it may connect with nature and the passion to save it that drives me as a climate change activist & sustainability influencer and as a content creator, I am highly inspired from Simon Sinek & Peter McKinnon."

You can download Aakash's e-book here. Happy Earth Day!

Also Read: The sneak-peek of Greta Thunberg: A Year To Change The World is here

climate change activist environmentalist climate change Climate Sustainability Advocate Climate Change Explained for one and all Climate Change Explained Content Creator Akash Ranison e-book Akash Ranison climate activists in India Environment awareness author