
Citadel Review: Prime Video brings you a brand new global spy network and Priyanka Chopra Jonas at her best in this action thriller series

Shachi Lavingia
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Citadel review: The directors of Avengers Infinity War and Endgame, the Russo brothers are back with a series you're most probably going to binge on over the next few months.

Citadel review: After having watched multiple action thrillers over the years, I wasn't quite sure how Citadel would stand out in this genre. Like every other action film, I assumed this one to be full of damsel in distress moments too because no matter how much of a badass our female characters are, they have to be shown as slightly incompetent, right? How else will there be any chemistry between them and the 'hero' with a Saviour Complex? However, going by the first two episodes of Citadel, I'm so glad that the Russo brothers defied my expectations. Watching Nadia Sinh (Priyanka Chopra) play first fiddle in Citadel where she fights off bad guys rather easily and doesn't need Mason Kane (Richard Madden) to be her knight in shining armour was such a high because that isn't a narrative we've seen on screen.

Besides this, there's nothing that Citadel gives me that I haven't seen before and that's probably why I liked it so much. Watching federal bodies turn on each other and wreak havoc in their hunger for power is like watching the evening news for us all. Maybe that's what makes action thrillers so fun; they reflect the very society we live in. From the two episodes that Prime Video has released, you get to see Priyanka Chopra Jonas play Nadia Sinh, a secret agent for Citadel and she's joined by Richard Madden who plays Mason Kane, her fellow Citadel agent and ex lover, maybe?

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What I've understood from the plot line is what was considered a myth until very recently, Citadel fell eight years ago when Manticore, a syndicate that manipulates the world from the shadows, targeted every Citadel agent and ruthlessly destroyed them all. Unknown to operatives of Manticore, two agents, Nadia Sinh and Mason Kane survived the train crash but lost their memories as part of Citadel's standard procedure. Eight years later, the two of them are shown living completely different lives compared to their old selves until agent and guide, Bernard Orlick comes looking for them.

The first two episodes of Citadel are shot really well and you wouldn't expect anything else from the Russo brothers. While exotic locations are shown across both episodes, you get to view them from the lens of a spy agent who barely has the time to take it all in and enjoy the view. Priyanka Chopra Jonas reminds you of Scarlet Johansson's Natasha Romanova aka the Black Widow with the same sass and 'I'm here to show you who's boss' energy. Stanley Tucci's Bernard Orlick adds the much needed humour in this series which gives it the Russo brothers' look and feel.

It's very evident from the dialogues that there are a lot of twists to watch out for. And what adds to the anticipation is knowing that Citadel is a global series which will feature actors from different countries and I'm looking forward to see how this will translate onscreen.

The first two episodes of Citadel will be streaming on Prime Video from April 28, 2023, after which you can watch a new episode every week.

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prime video citadel citadel global spy series citadel review Priyanka Chopra Jonas citadel series