
Creative Halloween themed food ideas that will make your tummy growl!

Smrithi Mohan
New Update
Halloween themed food

It is officially the season for pumpkin pies and candies. Halloween is about some good scares, tricks and most importantly, treats! If you plan on playing host this year then here are some Halloween themed food ideas for you.

It's Halloween and nothing can be more creepy or scary this season. While people spend days thinking of home decor ideas and scary costumes that will freak people out, there's another thing that can add to the spooky effect. One thing that's scary on the outside and yummy on the inside - Halloween themed food.

There are a number of ideas with which one can make their Halloween themed food look spooky and delicious at the same time. After all, what are Halloween tricks without the treats, right?

Check out some creative Halloween themed food ideas here:

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Ведьминых пальцев не желаете?????? ⠀ За вкус и простоту приготовления ручаюсь?? ⠀ Основа этого лакомства - песочное печенье. Его я всегда делаю по идеальной формуле «3-2-1»: 300 гр муки ⤵️ 200 гр масла ⤵️ 100 гр сахара +1 яйцо и щепотка соли ⠀ Приготовление: ?духовку разогреть до 200С (режим «верх-низ») ?муку просеять, добавить сахар, соль, следом яйцо и масло комнатной температуры ?всё "вжжжик" в комбайне (можно замесить руками, но делать это нужно достаточно быстро, чтобы масло не перегрелось) ?обернуть пищевой плёнкой и убрать в холодильник на полчаса❄️ ?пергаментную бумагу присыпать мукой и сформировать на ней пальцы-колбаски (лучше делать их достаточно тонкими, т.к. в духовке печенье расползётся и увеличится в размере) ? зубочисткой или вилкой нарисовать бороздки, на каплю варенья приклеить миндаль ? выпекать до золотистого цвета ⠀ Главное правило песочного печенья - вынимать его из духовки полумягким. Остывая, печенье будет твердеть, поэтому допекать его до твёрдости не нужно? ⠀ Ну как вам? Попробуете приготовить? ⠀ Всем boo????

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Also Read: Easy Halloween decor ideas that will Boo-low your mind

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Placinta cu dovleac e pentru mine regina placintelor! E colorata, nu prea dulce si totusi parfumata cu toate aromele toamnei, cu blatul perfect de sfaramicios si crocant. Placinta asta cu dovleac o fac frecvent in lunile reci de toamna-iarna. Imi place sa ma joc, nu o montez intotdeauna in straturi, fac si strudele uneori, dar cel mai mult imi place sa o fac in forma de tarta. De data aceasta am pregatit mini-placinte cu dovleac si mure. ——————————————— Ingrediente : – 220 gr de faina – o lingurita de sare – 110 ml ulei – 60 ml lapte vegetal – o cana mare de piure de dovleac – 1 lingurita @greensugar – 1/2 lingurita de ghimbir macinat – 1 lingurita scortisoara – 1 lingurita nucsoara – 2-3 cuisoare macinate – 1/2 lingurita sare -o lingurita unt de arahide -optional -mure- ——————————————— #sanatateainmancare#halloweenfood#halloweenfoods#halloweenpie#pumpkinpie#pumpkinpierecipe#halloweenfoodideas#pie#autumnpie#minipies#halloweenpies#thematicfood#romaniangirl#romanianblogger#romanianfoodbloggers

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Our take on Halloween ? ? baking going on in full gear these days!! We’ve always kinda gone all out for Halloween since the kids were in elementary school! It was just one of those holidays where everyone just chills and has fun! There’s the candy, the costumes and of course the parties for kids where not only the decor is scary but even the food and the food platters are frightening ?...and delicious!! This is the the house favorite banana bread recipe all dressed up to scare you!! But you can use any recipe that you like, there’s charcoal powder in there to make it extra spooky. I put the batter in mini bread pans and the tomb stones are candy melt molded into this shape. These molds are widely available at grocery stores right now. Oh and then we made it snow....of course!! #halloweenbaking #almosthalloween? #spookyfood #spookyscenes #spookyscary #halloweenfun #halloweenfoodideas #halloweenfoods #halloweenforkids #halloweenspirit #halloweenstyle #halloweendecor #halloweeniscoming #halloweenideas #halloweenvibes?? #enjoyhalloween #halloweenseason2019 #halloweenseason? #spookyseason? #spookydecor #spookybaking #bakingforfun #bakingforkids #halloween #bakestagram #bakefeed #instabaker #pakistaniamerican #greatlakesbayregion #puremichiganfall

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Which one is your favourite Halloween food idea? Tell us in the comments below.

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