
Creators tell us what their 10 days on Threads have been like

Smrithi Mohan
Updated On
New Update
Threads journey

Users were on a roll when the app was launched, from making jokes on ‘threading’ to taking a dig at Musk. To understand more, we talked to creators about their 10 days on Threads journey.

Threads was an unexpected launch by Meta as a challenge to one of the most popular micro-blogging sites, which shall not be named. People went haywire on its launch day and spent an entire day trying to figure out what the whole buzz of it was. It might just be another medium to kill time for the general public, but its launch holds a different meaning for the creator community. As we complete 10 days Threads journey, it would be interesting to know what it was like for the creators specifically.


They may not be in it wholeheartedly, but the possibility of it becoming a hit in the future makes them want to be a part of the newly launched platform. Threads, like any other platform, has become something that creators can join to understand how effective it will be for their growth. Some are already trying to figure out ways to monetize from it. Being an active part of the platform happens to be the first step. From getting to experiment with their content to enjoying the jitters of starting from zero, they are doing their best to be interesting enough that people follow and engage with them.


When asked if their experience has changed from day one, each creator had their own take on the app. Aashrawi Patwa found the people's rawness and candidness on the app at the beginning like a breath of fresh air. She fell into the social media cycle of Instagram-Threads-Twitter-Threads and repeat. "It was refreshing to see people pouring their hearts out. With each passing day, the activity has reduced. From using threads every 5 secs, now it has gone to opening threads every 2 hours." Suriya was sceptical about the new app like thousands of others. Wondering about the need for a new app for the kind of content that she can share, she has had her fair share of questions before giving it a try. “My experience has changed a lot since day one. But as I started using the app, my creativity kicked in. Sometimes, I would write threads about the highlights of my day or my current mood. Other times, I would create memes and share them.” Muskan Ranka who enjoyed it so far talks about how she enjoyed more traffic, better jokes, and much more excitement the day it was launched. Meanwhile, Anmol Sachar is a total fan of the app. He said, “I’m absolutely in love with threads! In fact, I’ve been saying this so often that people may think I’m getting paid to promote the app. Jokes apart, I love threads and especially the seamless integration with Instagram. Not much has changed really!”

Also Read: Comedy creators who’re tickling your funny bone on Threads

10 days into using the app, the craze of the app seems to be fading for the general public. But is that the case with the creator community that hopes to benefit from another platform? Harsh Gandhi seems to enjoy being a part of this new world and has been "active as a squirrel on a sugar rush!" Threads have kept him buzzing with excitement. "So you can bet I'm still here, spreading my digital charm like confetti,” he said. But for Luvash Ochani, it wasn't the same. He said, "TBH No! First, it was like an addiction to posting everything, and checking every 10 mins, and after 4-5 days I opened hardly once or twice." It has been the same for Joel Joseph too who replied with a simple 'No' about being active on Threads. For Gopali Tiwari it's because of the overload of platforms that keeps her from staying active here. She said, "There are too many apps to be active on it’s getting difficult to be consistent everywhere."


We asked them more about their journey so far and this is what they had to share:

What is the engagement on Threads like? Is it different from your Instagram?

Suriya, It's quite different from Instagram. Even though this app is new, I've been able to connect with my Instagram audience easily through Threads, which can be a bit challenging on Instagram.”


Aashrawi Patwa, "Right now, engagement has been fairly great due to the similarities in the audience. We’re majorly catering to the same community as on Instagram; which makes it easy to create and share the content which your audience would enjoy. The familiarity between the creator and their audience helps a great deal."


Harsh Gandhi, The engagement on Threads is off the charts! It's like a party where everyone's throwing their opinions and shade around. It's a different vibe from Instagram, but equally addictive. So I'll see you there?”


How different is your content on Threads as compared to Insta?

Joel Joseph, Compared to Instagram I have no engagement at all on threads.”


Muskan Ranka, “My content on both platforms isn’t really different. I put everything I feel on Threads and stitch every thread into a cloth called Instagram Reels.”


Anmol Sachar, Threads and Instagram engagement are similar for me. However, Instagram engagement seems to have fallen a tad ever since threads happened.”


Gopali, "It’s extremely casual for insta we plan our content but for Threads, I have been uploading whatever comes to mind. Just casual bits of life here and there."


What is your learning from the last 10 days?

Suriya, "I've learned that it's essential for a content creator/influencer to be active on every social media app. It allows us to stay updated with the ongoing trends and be aware of everything happening. I can see that in the future, creators will take advantage of this platform for brand campaigns."

Anmol, "People love raw and real talk! No fancy stuff, not too much thought put into it."

Gopali, "I have got to know people are good writers. I have been enjoying some threads here and there by random threaders."

Do you plan on continuing to be active here?

Aashrawi Patwa, "Currently, I plan on creating content and staying active on threads. I’m bullish on Mark Zuckerberg to integrate it seamlessly with Meta to be able to monetize it. There is almost no hate over the platform, as on Twitter; which helps."

Harsh, "Absolutely! I plan on continuing my reign of digital awesomeness right here on Threads. As long as there are conversations to be had and laughs to be shared, you can count on me to be active and spreading the joy."

Muskan, "Yes, I plan to religiously work on Threads and make content over there too."


What are your thoughts on the app? Share them with us in the comments below.

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