
Dolly Singh's mini-series 'Covid Love Story' will leave you with a happy and giddy feeling

Smrithi Mohan
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Covid Love Story

Indian influencer, Dolly Singh shocked us with yet another romantic tale with her 8 episode mini-series, Covid Love Story.

People can never have enough entertainment and the industry and storytellers have realized that the audience will welcome good quality content no matter what format they come in. Whether it's a 2-hour long film, a series with 10 seasons, or a simple 8 episode mini-series on Instagram, people are open to new formats that satisfy their want for a good story. Influencers and digital creators like Dolly Singh continue to share content that's different from their fellow creators, thereby giving things their own identity. We have seen Dolly Singh talk about an important issue with her short film, Period, and also celebrated modern relationship with Dream Boy. And her latest Valentine's Day special mini-series Covid Love Story is another example of the incredible storyteller that she is.

A cute love-story set in 15-sec Reels of 8 episodes, Covid Love Story is about Saumya (Dolly Singh) who had to self-quarantine herself after being tested positive for COVID-19. One thing that makes her quarantine suck less is her mysterious new neighbour, Aakash (revealed in the final episode) who keeps her company stirring a new love story.

Dolly Singh's Covid Love Story brings the old-school romance back to life during a very stressful time. She reminds us of the small, fuzzy feeling we have at the beginning of a love story. Lockdown was a time when the internet and laptop/phone screens took over our lives. And dating was not immune to it. Virtual dates became a thing and we definitely missed the classic in-person experience of 'not knowing someone and the anticipation to know more about them'. Dolly manages to build up Saumya's anticipation in the audience too. For most part of the story, she's the only face we see until the end when she reveals who Aakash is. And her playing both Saumya and her friend add to the whole 'need to know who the neighbor is'. The series manages to make us smile all the way and leaves us wanting something like this too.

Check out all the episodes here:

Episode 1

Episode 2

Episode 3

Episode 4

Episode 5

Episode 6

Episode 7

Episode 8

What are your thoughts on Covid Love Story? Tell us in the comments below.

Also Read: Dolly Singh collaborates with storytelling platform, TTT for her first-ever short film ‘Dream Boy’

Social media instagram influencers Indian Social Media love story Dolly Singh YouTubers Instagram mini series romantic mini-series Indian content creators mini webs series Instagram mini-seriews instagram film Dolly Singh's mini-series Covid Love Story instagram Covid Love Story content creators