
#ExplainACharacterBadly has effectively ruined images of some of our favorite characters!

Mansi Mirani
New Update

I don’t know if Kiki loves me or not, but I definitely love the new trending challenge on Twitter! The #ExplainACharacterBadly is recently going viral and for once it is not something dangerous! It is actually quite fun and hilarious.

The challenge basically asks you to explain a popular character, be it movie stars, fictional heroes, cartoons or TV stars, badly. The readers then have to take a guess on which character is being talked about. It is simple yet creative and funny!

Twitterati have spared no one, from marvel superheroes to cartoons –and it will have you going LMAO in no time! Check them out:

1. He took the term geek to another level.

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2. That sounds…uncomfortable to say the least.

3. All boys would be superheroes if it was just white stuff, lol!

4. For a second I thought the description was about me!

5. I wish I were as free as Dobby!

6. The Kardashians are never behind!

7. Nah, I think she was practical yet sweet.

8. Childhood = Ruined.

9. This one’s too easy, come on!

10. The name’s literally SNOW WHITE, what do you expect?

11. She could’ve saved Jack, there was space on the plank!

12. GOT it? (Poor pun intended!)

13. And destruction.

14. Is it just me or Hulk is kinda cute in the way he talks and stuff?


So I have one for you guys : Is the worst American President ever!

Yeah, that wasn’t a tough one at all, was it?

This is one of the very few challenges that are actually fun and not completely illogical. Go try it out! (But don’t you dare explain Harry Potter badly!)

Social media Trending twitter trends Twitter challenges Fictional characters #ExplainACharacterBadly superheroes Twitter cartoons