You can take inspiration from these Instagram bloggers to put together different outfits, even if you can only wear them at home right now.
While the pandemic is taking a toll on every single one of us, we’re all trying to cope in any manner that works for us. For you, it could be watching senseless TV shows, painting, learning something new, and for me, it’s putting together outfits from my wardrobe that I can wear at home when I’m bored of putting on the same thing over and over. We know what you’re thinking!
“I’m stuck indoors with nowhere to go, and all my cute outfits haven’t seen the light of day in over a month and my pajamas look nothing like when I actually bought them!”
You won’t believe how much of a difference it makes to your mood when you get dressed for yourself, even if it’s just to sit at home. It doesn’t matter what you wear, as long as you’re comfortable in it. Putting outfits together can also be a way of expressing yourself, playing with prints and colors, textures and allowing yourself to define your style, even if that means pairing your faded pajamas with a cute top that shows your midriff. You do you! This activity feels like picking clothes out for Barbies, and maybe that’s why we like it so much. It’s liberating, and that’s much needed right now.
We often take inspiration from content creators on Instagram each week; whether we’re planning an outfit for a date night for one in the living room, a zoom call with friends or simply a regular WFH day from the bed, you can go as OTT or basic as you want.
This week, this is what our favorite creators were donning. Check it out!
Did you find something that could help you put together a look from your own wardrobe? Tell us in the comments below.