Have you ever tried listening to a good podcast? They're the in thing now, there's nothing better than a good podcast on a hectic day
Podcasts are the new motivational speeches now. They're something we can turn to when we're having a bad day. Remember the times we used to listen to stuff on the radio? Whether it was music, a match, or something that's motivating, we would listen to it all on the radio. Spotify and Amazon Music work similarly. If we're not in a mood to listen to some good music, we can listen to a podcast sometimes.
Podcasts are mostly like a happy pill; they can be funny, emotional, or inspirational, or maybe even a mixture of all these. The kind of podcasts that we can listen to today are varied in terms of style and language. Optimism can feel elusive these days. We're living in times when our minds are going through stress and there's so much happening around us. It can be highly daunting to be in a situation like this especially when so many people stay alone away from their homes and families. In this kind of scenario, podcasts can prove to be an effective balm for jangled nerves, tired hearts, and spinning minds. They provide respite to us in times of stress and angst. We can listen to some feel-good and motivational podcasts during times like these and they also turn out to be a good way to divert our minds.
These feel good podcasts will help you find your inner optimist
Tell us which is your favorite in the comments below.
Also Read: Podcasting isn’t the next big thing, it’s the next big category of content – Varun Duggirala
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