
#SocialSuperMom: Funny things moms say! Literally every mom

Aishwaria Sonavane
New Update
#SocialSuperMom: Funny things moms say! Literally every mom

“As long as you’re under my roof, you’ll do as I say!” Sounds familiar? Though diversity may divide us, maternity gives us the world a reason to bond.

As cringe worthy, monotonous, hilarious or melo-dramatic it sounds, moms around the world somehow function in the same way. We take a look at social media to pick out the funniest things moms usually say!

We agree that moms are dramatic, but when it comes to Indian moms the drama is elevated to much higher levels. Every household can turn into a daily soap. Have a look!

We Indians are billions in number with literally 2 career options. Stereotype much?

And moms have the most sensible (not) remedy for every life problem.

Tupperware and moms go a long, long way

Talking of our tech-savvy mommies

Hear, Twitteratis, we got some tips for you

Let's accept it, moms are the coolest! Well, maybe a little. And Social Samosa salutes all the #SocialSuperMom(s) out there.

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