We have rarely seen the right kind of queer community's inclusion into Christmas movies and Happiest Season is just doing that the right way!
Christmas movies have a tradition just like the festival as there is always a romance brewing in hiding with a bit of a comedy of errors. The film Happiest Season is the same with just a minor twist. Instead of a heterosexual couple hiding their romance, it's a question of hiding one's sexuality. Under the twinkling lights of Christmas Abby (Kristen Stewart) and Harper (Mackenzie Davis) are much in love. Until they have to visit Harper's home for Christmas and her family doesn't know about her being a lesbian. And hence the comedy of errors start with the strain of having to deceive everyone because of your sexuality.
The film beautifully deals with the issues faced by the queer community of coming out to their families with a backdrop of everything Christmas. The characters are busy going through the Christmas traditions of baking Christmas cookies, ice skating, or shopping for presents. But while they are busy with their Christmas traditions there is tension building around as people keep on pretending and tend to avoid sharing unsaid things with each other. When you are the perfect daughter of the perfect family then it's hard to come out with your sexuality but it's much harder to be in a relationship with such a person. And that's the central idea of the film.
With all things Christmas this film in an effortless way tells you the reality with which the queer community has to go through. It is one of a kind queer Christmas movie that doesn't shy away from telling you even the harshest truth. Trust me started watching the film just for my sheer love for Daniel Levy and Kristen Stewart but it turned out to be one of my favorites Christmas movies. Daniel Levy's monologue near the end made me all teary! It is currently streaming on Netflix.