
The Janta seems to be supremely invested in Netflix's Indian Matchmaking season 3

Shachi Lavingia
Updated On
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Indian Matchmaking Season 3

Sima Taparia from Mumbai is back with more rishtas for our desi prospects in Indian Matchmaking season 3 and the Janta seems lowkey excited about it!

For those of you living under a rock, Indian Matchmaking is literally the video version of every conversation one has with the neighbourhood aunty while going through an arranged marriage process. And that's probably why the audience can't stop watching this series! Directed by Smriti Mundhra, Indian Matchmaking season 3 gives us a bunch of new faces and kickstarts their journey of finding a partner with Sima Aunty's help and also follows Viral Joshi and Aashay Shah's journey from Season 2. You can also expect to see some old faces like Shital Patel and Arthi Lalwani amongst others in this season.

Even though most of Sima Aunty's comments ticked off the audience, they couldn't stop binging on this series! The Janta definitely seemed to be going gaga over some of the contestants in this season though!

Also Read: The Janta thinks Netflix’s Tooth Pari: When Love Bites is a good example of how Indian gore cinema should be!

Here's what the Janta had to say about this season!

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Indian Matchmaking Netflix India indian matchmaking season 3 netflix Seema Taparia Indian Matchmaking Seema Taparia Indian Matchmaking season 3 Janta Review