
These Instagram-worthy pancakes will flip your mind

Smrithi Mohan
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Instagram-worthy pancakes

Make this Pancake Day worthwhile and have a look at these amazing and mouth-watering Instagram-worthy pancakes.

We won't be crêpe-ed out if we find you drooling through this blog. It is a fact that breakfast is the most important and pancakes being a breakfast meal makes this fact even more exciting. There is hardly anyone who hates this buttery, crispy, fluffy, thin deliciousness that comes in all shapes and sizes. And no matter how busy you start your day, there is always some time for pancakes. Apart from making our mornings happy, pancakes also make our social media drool-worthy. In this era where everything goes on Instagram, here are some Instagram-worthy pancakes that will make you want to have one right away.

Have a look at these Instagram-worthy pancakes:

Also Read: Culinary Experts on Instagram suggests easy DIY Pie Recipes

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Sour cream pancakes ? Если дело касается блинчиков, у меня есть 4 основных любимых рецепта - на молоке, с добавлением крахмала, самые тонкие блинчики только на крахмале (совсем без муки) и заварные на кефире. В этом году мне понравился рецепт блинчиков на сметане и молоке? Если дело касается оладий, то я пеку их на кефире, на сметане, на молоке и на взбитых яйцах с добавлением сливок (4 разных рецепта). В этом году к любимым рецептам оладий добавился ещё один на дрожжах. Все рецепты постараюсь напомнить здесь к Масленице. Сегодня эти простые оладьи Пышные оладьи на сметане 100 г сметаны 50 г сахара (или по вкусу) 2 яйца 110 г муки 1/4 ч.л. соды 1/4 ч.л. соли Растительное масло для жарки 1. В глубокой миске смешать яйца со сметаной и сахаром. 2. Просеять муку с содой и солью, перемешать до объединения. 3. На среднем огне разогреть сковородку с растительным маслом и обжарить оладьи с двух сторон до золотистого цвета и готовности. Sour cream pancakes 100 g sour cream 50 g sugar (or to taste) 2 eggs 110 g flour 1/4 tsp soda 1/4 tsp salt Cooking oil for frying 1. In a deep bowl, mix the eggs with sour cream and sugar. 2. Sift flour with soda and salt, mix before combining. 3. Heat the pan with vegetable oil on medium heat and fry the pancakes on both sides until golden brown and cooked.

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I finally found the @kodiakcakes gluten-free pancake mix at @target ?? made the yummiest stack for breakfast & added in raspberries + @royalhawaiianorchards macadamia nuts to the mix ツ soooo so good! I hope you have a great Monday! || #hannahharvestinghealth ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ RASPBERRY MACADAMIA NUT PANCAKES: i n g r e d i e n t s- 1/2 cup @kodiakcakes gluten-free pancake mix almond milk 1 egg small handful frozen raspberries {warmed in the microwave} chopped @royalhawaiianorchards macadamia nuts ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ d i r e c t i o n s- I stirred everything together, cooked on low-medium heat, and topped with @foragerproject butter + @royalhawaiianorchards macadamia nuts + @traderjoes honey! ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ “Even so, I have noticed one thing, at least, that is good. It is good for people to eat, drink, and enjoy their work under the sun during the short life God has given them, and to accept their lot in life.” ‭‭Ecclesiastes‬ ‭5:18

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??Happy Pancake Day!!??Here’s a round up of some of the best pancakes in London. 1. Matcha pancakes @thelocals_cafe 2. Cinnamon roll pancakes @_cafemiami 3. Lemon poppyseed pancakes @brickwoodldn 4. Buckwheat blueberry pancakes @thelocals_cafe 5. Ricotta and butterscotch from @theaddress_is 6. All pancakes from @wherethepancakesare 7. Original premium from @fuwafuwalondon 8. Turmeric pancakes from @malibukitchenlondon 9. Buttermilk pancakes from @chilternfirehouse . . . . . #karenloveslondon #pancakes #pancakeday #pancakeday2020 #pancakestack #pancakes? #pancakeslover #matchapancakes #buckwheatpancakes #vegetarianbreakfast #totastemaker #timeoutlondon #breakfastlondon #breakfastlovers #breakfasttime☕️ #londonfood #londononly

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These delicious Instagram worthy pancakes have us whipping! What about you?

pancake day pancake Instagram worthy pancake instagram food bloggers breakfast food bloggers