
#KetchupTalks: Dr Bhagyashree simplifies the concept of clean beauty for us

Piyush Singh
New Update
Dr. Bhagyashree

Curious about all the rage surrounding clean beauty? Dr Bhagyashree simplifies the concept, revealing the buzz behind this growing trend in skincare and cosmetics.

Consumers today are increasingly interested not only in the result of their beauty products but also in the process by which they are made. For them, it's important to know about the intricate process that their favorite products go through before they end up in their cart. A recent trend has emerged where people are actively discussing “clean beauty” but what does this concept mean? It may sound confusing to those who are not familiar with it. If you dig a little deeper, you will discover that clean beauty products prioritize non-toxic, natural ingredients, and ethical sourcing practices. These products resonate with people who seek safer alternatives for their skincare and cosmetic needs while also aligning with their values of environmental sustainability and personal well-being. To understand all the rage around it, we had a chat with Dr. Bhagyashree, a cosmetologist who expertly simplified the concept for us, making it more accessible and comprehensible to all.

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Here is what you need to know about the concept of clean Beauty! 

What exactly is "clean beauty," and how does it differ from conventional beauty products? 

"Clean beauty" is a term used to describe “conscious beauty products” that are made with non-toxic, natural, and ethically sourced ingredients. Clean beauty products are free from potentially harmful ingredients such as sulfates, fragrances, and other chemicals believed to be harmful to both people and our environment. It basically means:

Natural and plant-based ingredients: Clean beauty products often contain ingredients sourced from nature, such as botanical extracts, essential oils, and plant-based oils.

Cruelty-free: Many clean beauty brands are committed to being cruelty-free, meaning they do not test their products on animals.

Environmentally friendly: Clean beauty products often come in eco-friendly packaging and are produced using sustainable practices.

Transparency: Authentic clean beauty brands are mainly transparent about the ingredients they use, where they are sourced from, and their production processes. Overall, the main difference between clean beauty and conventional beauty products would be in the ingredients used and the values held by the brands producing them. Clean beauty prioritizes natural, non-toxic ingredients and sustainability, while conventional beauty products may contain a wider range of science/research-based ingredients. 


Ways for consumers to identify clean beauty products:

Identifying clean beauty products can be challenging due to the various options available in the market. However, there are several strategies consumers can apply to help them identify and choose clean beauty products:

Read ingredient labels: Look for products that have transparent ingredient lists and avoid products that contain potentially harmful ingredients such as parabens, sulfates, phthalates, synthetic fragrances, and other known toxins.

Look for certifications: Some clean beauty products may have certifications from organizations that can help consumers identify products that meet certain standards for clean and ethical ingredients.

Research brands: Take the time to research the brands. Look for brands that are transparent about their sourcing, production processes, and values related to clean beauty.

Check for cruelty-free and vegan labels: If animal welfare is important to you, look for products that are labeled as cruelty-free or vegan, indicating that they have not been tested on animals and do not contain animal-derived ingredients.

You can use online resources: Websites, blogs, and apps dedicated to clean beauty can provide valuable information and reviews to help you navigate the world of clean beauty products. So, when you use these strategies and stay informed about clean beauty trends and best practices, we consumers can make more informed choices when selecting beauty products that align with their values and preferences.

Common misconceptions about clean beauty that you frequently encounter:

Yes, there are several common misconceptions about clean beauty that are frequently encountered. Some of these misconceptions are:

Natural means safe: One common misconception is that all-natural ingredients are always safe and non-toxic. While natural ingredients can be beneficial, it's important to remember that not all natural ingredients are safe for use on the skin or in beauty products. Some natural ingredients can still cause irritation or allergic reactions in certain individuals.

Clean beauty is only for all skin types & conditions: Some people believe that clean beauty products are suitable for all specific skin types or concerns. But In reality, there may be certain individuals who may not benefit from the natural ingredients added in the products; their skin might experience allergic reactions, so a patch test is recommended. It's important for consumers like us to do their own research, read labels, and choose products that align with their values and preferences, regardless of whether they fall under the category of clean beauty or not.


Importance of consumers to be informed about the ingredients in their skincare and cosmetic products:

Consumers need to be informed about the ingredients in their skincare and cosmetic products for several reasons:

Health and Safety: Some ingredients in skincare and cosmetic products can cause allergic reactions, irritation, or other adverse effects on the skin. Consumers who are aware of the ingredients in the products they use can avoid substances that may be harmful to them.

Transparency and Trust: Being informed about the ingredients in products promotes transparency in the industry. Consumers are increasingly demanding transparency from companies about the ingredients used in their products, which helps build trust between consumers and brands.

Customization: Consumers can better tailor their skincare routine to their individual skin needs and preferences. This can help them achieve better results and avoid using products that may not be suitable for their skin type or concerns. Overall, being informed about the ingredients in skincare and cosmetic products empowers consumers to make educated choices that align with their values, preferences, and health needs.

A cosmetologist's advice for people who want to transition to a clean beauty routine:

As a clinical cosmetologist, I have some advice for people:

Do your Research: Take the time to research ingredients found in skincare and cosmetic products. Look for resources, such as websites, books, and documentaries, or professional videos that can help you understand which ingredients to avoid.

Read Labels: Carefully read the ingredient labels. Look for products that are free from harmful chemicals.

Do Patch tests: Before fully incorporating a new clean beauty product into your routine, perform a patch test on a small area of your skin to check for any adverse reactions or allergies.

Seek Professional Advice: If you're unsure about which clean beauty products are best for your skin type and concerns, consider consulting with a dermatologist or a skincare professional for personalized recommendations.

Stay Informed: Stay updated on the latest trends and developments in the clean beauty industry. Follow reputable clean beauty brands, Skin Educators, or professional experts on social media platforms to stay informed about new product launches and best practices for maintaining a clean beauty routine. Remember that transitioning to a clean beauty routine is a personal journey, and what works for one person may not work for another. Experiment with different products and routines to find what works best for your skin while prioritizing products that are safe, effective, and environmentally friendly.

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clean beauty products clean beauty explained explaining clean beauty what is clean beauty clean beauty trend Dr. Bhagyashree