
Creators join hands with NIVEA India to mentor future influencers for the NIVEA Soft Fresh Batch

Smrithi Mohan
New Update
NIVEA Fresh Face Batch

Indian influencer group DamnFam and Atrangz's Anam Darbar join hands with NIVEA India as mentors for the NIVEA Soft Fresh Batch.

It always takes a village to raise and help individuals grow. Content creators have become the life of entertainment beyond the digital making their way into every possible place where they can be discussing about their work, promote things, and make the most out of their value as part of a growing economy. Recently NIVEA India conducted a hunt to find a new influencer with the help of known creator group DamnFam and Atrangzz's Anam Darbar. NIVEA Soft Fresh Batch influencer talent hunt for young, hyper-digital Gen Zs, and through this the brand aims to groom influencers of tomorrow; playing a pivotal role in the journey of these creators. 2023 is the third edition of the program.

This year, the contestants were mentored by season creators Manav Chabbra, Unnati Malharkar, Ashi Khanna, Tanzeel Khan, Rishabh Chawla, and Anam Darbar who used their experience to guide new-comers to achieve their goals. Talking about being a part of the program and an ever-growing industry, the mentors said, Over the past few years, the creator economy has undergone a remarkable evolution, and we, have continually adapted, upskilled, and pivoted to keep up with the changing landscape. It's an ongoing learning process, to be frank. In addition to our passion for content creation, we've wholeheartedly embraced the business aspect of this profession. We've learned to carefully assess brand collaborations and understand the significance of audience engagement metrics. Take, for example, our role as ambassadors for NIVEA Soft Fresh Batch, a program designed for Gen-Z audiences. It was an ideal partnership for us and being mentors to young girls has been an extremely fulfilling process.” 

They mentioned how they've transitioned from being content creators who make videos purely for fun to it being recognized as a legitimate full-time career. This transformation has presented a multitude of opportunities for everyone who continues to maintain their authenticity, a strong voice, consistency, and access to a camera.

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To understand their collaboration with NIVEA, we had a chat with the mentors

Do you think NIVEA's collaboration with creators is something that future creators can look for and why?

Mentors: Absolutely, yes! NIVEA Soft Fresh Batch represents a fantastic opportunity for aspiring creators. Having the endorsement and support of a legacy brand like NIVEA is a significant boost right from the beginning. The world of content creation has evolved into a highly competitive and cluttered space, which can feel daunting for newcomers. NIVEA's digital talent hunt serves as an excellent platform for those seeking to embark on their content creation journey. The grooming sessions, access to the right folks from the industry, and resources offered are incredibly beneficial. The brand plays a crucial role in mentoring and nurturing young creators, instilling in them the confidence to explore new horizons without the fear of not being able to sustain their creative journey. This program offers a priceless chance for future creators to learn, grow and kickstart their careers in content creation. 

What does your mentoring session look like? What are the key objectives you make sure participants know about?

Unnati and Manav: Our mentorship sessions weren't your typical formal set up. We aimed to create a space for open, interactive conversations where participants could freely express their ideas, goals and concerns. One of the key messages we wanted to convey to our tribe was that success in content creation isn't an overnight phenomenon, but hustle over countless nights. We shared our own stories, highlighting how we worked tirelessly for multiple years before gaining recognition and love from our vibrant community. Content creation is a journey that demands continuous hard work, unwavering dedication and a lot of patience. Success is sure to come to those who persistently and passionately hone their craft over the long term.

Anam and Rishabh: Our mentoring sessions were an absolute blast! We didn't get caught up in the technical details of dance routines. Instead, we had a lively discussion about how to rock that 1-minute reel, stay on top of new social media dance trends and dive into viral challenges. We emphasized the need for keeping it real and being passionate about your art. It’s really your confidence and artistic expressions that make a dance move look cool and effortless, inspiring others to groove right along with you.

Ashi: My mentoring sessions felt like those casual chitchats you have in college between seniors and juniors. Talking to these incredibly talented individuals was such a wholesome experience for me too. They're already super talented, so what they needed from me was just that little push to find their own footing and rock their personal style. During our sessions, we delved into the latest trends in the beauty and skincare industry, discussing the importance of staying up to date with what's happening - globally and locally. Innovation and experimentation took center stage, and I encouraged them to branch out into different types of content while staying true to their own vibe. It was a fantastic, informative, and highly inspiring interaction!

Tanzeel: Mentoring these incredibly talented girls was a fantastic experience. What truly stood out was their unwavering enthusiasm and the clear vision they already had for themselves. Unexpectedly, I learned just as much from them as they did from me. Our sessions revolved around exploring various content creation genres, boosting their confidence in front of the camera, and how to create a strong connection with your followers that goes beyond the screen. It was an incredibly enriching experience for all of us, and I genuinely can't wait to see these creators continue to shine and make their mark.

The hunt is to find the next big creator. What are the qualities you look for in these participants, especially in a space like the creator community that is not short of competition?

Unnati: The most significant factor for me is the genuine passion that drives what I do. In a crowded and competitive creator space, the key to keep moving forward is unwavering love and dedication for your craft. It's not something that can be taught or forced upon; it's a fire that you need to nurture from deep within. For me, it's the heartbeat of every move, the way each outfit I put on makes me feel - that's what fuels my passion and keeps me going.

Tanzeel: I would say camera presence. As a singer, I initially used to be shy in front of the camera. However, I've learned that people want to see the face behind the voice. So, being camera-ready is crucial to captivate your audience and build a genuine connection.

Rishabh: Undoubtedly, it's confidence and attitude. In dance, there are countless steps, and trying to consciously remember them all can lead to mistakes. But if you're confident and genuinely enjoy what you're doing, every missed step becomes your signature vibe.

Anam: It’s consistency, or, more precisely, the 'never giving up' attitude that I value the most. If I hadn't been consistent with my content, I wouldn't have been able to create the dance reels I've produced. In the world of content creation, not every day is a burst of inspiration, and fresh ideas don't come as predictably as we'd like. However, it's the ability to keep going, maintain a consistent output, and push through the challenging times that truly matters. 

As mentors, you have your own tribe that is assigned to you. What does your tribe represent?

Unnati and Manav: We proudly represent the Berry Fashionista tribe, which is deeply rooted in the vibrant world of Nivea Soft Berry Blossom. Within our tribe, we celebrate the essence of being trendsetters and slaying the fashion game. Unnati and I share a profound love for fashion, one that goes beyond being just a conscious choice - it's our passion. For us, it's not about deliberately setting trends but rather about exploring and experimenting with unique combinations in a way that naturally becomes trendy. Comfort is a non-negotiable aspect for us; we prioritize it without sacrificing style. Ultimately, what sets our fashion apart is the confidence we exude. For Berry Fashionistas, it’s not what you wear but the confidence you exude when carrying off a garment - that’s truly what makes a fashion statement.

Tanzeel Khan: I'm thrilled to represent the Peachy Stars tribe, a vibrant group that's all about bringing art to life! If you're someone who thrives on acting, singing, entertaining an audience, lip-syncing, or engaging in various forms of dramatic expression, then you're a true Peachy Star. My tribe is beautifully aligned with Nivea Soft's Playful Peach Light Moisturizer Cream, and it's all about embracing the drama in your creative journey. In today's digital age, social media provides a platform where you can do just about anything, and there's an audience waiting for it. Whether it's dancing, singing, acting, comedy, or even a good old-fashioned rant - the possibilities are limitless. My own journey began with singing, and social media has played a pivotal role in extending my reach and connecting me with a diverse audience. The Peachy Stars tribe encapsulates the essence of embracing the theatrical and dramatic side of content creation, where creativity knows no bounds!

Rishabh and Anam: We are honored to lead the Peppy Performers tribe, a group that's all about dance and the art of movement. In this tribe, we celebrate the incredible power of dance and the magic it brings to life. Our tribe is closely linked with the Nivea Soft Peppy Pomegranate Light Moisturizer Cream, which perfectly embodies the vibrancy and energy that dance represents. For both of us, dance is not just a profession; it's our passion. We are delighted to represent and mentor a tribe centered around something we wholeheartedly enjoy. As performers who have always cherished the opportunities that social media provides us, we're excited that NIVEA’s platform allows us to share our skills with a diverse group of girls.

To us, mentorship within the Peppy Performers tribe means owning the stage, whether it's a short 1-minute Reel or an hour-long workshop. It's about infusing every dance move with your unique style, radiating confidence, and telling stories through expressions. 

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NIVEA Soft Fresh Batch DamnFam NIVEA Soft Fresh Batch