
Kunal Kamra memes flood Twitter after his tweet on L K Advani

Smrithi Mohan
Updated On
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Kunal Kamra memes

Take a look at how Kunal Kamra memes flooded on Twitter after his latest tweet.

Kunal Kamra is known for his comedy as well as his controversial comments online. He has been under the radar a number of times for speaking against for certain matters in the past. The comedian has also been roasted and trolled for the comments he makes. The latest being his tweet that has stirred a conversation on Twitter. This has encouraged Twitterati to roast him with funny Kunal Kamra memes.

Kunal Kamra took on Twitter to make a tweet in the wake of former cricket captain M S Dhoni making his announcement to retire from the game.

His tweet garnered negative comments when he compared the incident with L K Advani. This irked many BJP and right-wing supporters for mocking the BJP leader. This made for another trend on Twitter with people sharing funny roasting memes on him.

Take a look at these funny Kunal Kamra memes:

Also Read: Get ROFLing with this week’s trending memes

Memes twitter memes Kunal Kamra twitter reacts kunal kamra controversy Roast funny twitter memes comedian Kunal Kamra comedian memes controversial tweets Kunal Kamra memes kunal kamra on lk advani Kunal Kamra twitter M S Dhoni retirement mean twitter memes memes on comedian memes roasting comedians roast memes roasting memes tweet on L K Advani