
This Instagram account is going to make you very, very, very hungry! Meet @masterchefmom 

Mohammad Kanchwala
New Update

Instagram is home to thousands of food bloggers, homegrown chefs, reviewers and photographers although ' masterchefmom ' is the rare chance for you to spot all these qualities at work, in one place.

Having the culinary skills to whip up an agonizingly delicious meal, the aesthetic eye to make it look irresistible, and the photography skills to up the ante on the overall appeal of a meal. I just described Mrs Uma Raghuraman and her Instagram account, masterchefmom, which you should probably visit if you’re not famished or it could make some serious repercussions on your wallet, and your stomach. Not that you would end up with food like hers anyway because neither can you or I compete with someone who won the prestigious Best Food Instagram award from Saveur magazine!

Not only that, masterchefmom has had the immense pleasure of being featured, interviewed, admired and awarded by numerous publication houses, magazines, portals and online users all over the digital world!

1. Look at how neat the idlis are, and the colour of the chutney is tantalizing!


2. I could kill for kanda poha and masala chai!


3. If this is a reluctantly cooked meal, I don't even want to try the one made enthusiastically!


4. Beautiful!


5. Every single dish in that thali is making me smack my lips


6. The simplest yet most fulfilling meal; Hot chapatis and a delicious gravy. 


Read also: @thefinelychopped’s Kalyan Karmakar makes me envy him so bad!

7. Instant for you maybe. For us regular people, it's called a mess in the kitchen!


8. This, heavy rains and a day off from work. 


9. Symmetric gastronomy! 


10. The earthen plate is making me dig it. So neat and well presented.


11. Are you following the symmetry in pretty much every picture? A hand on the left?


12. Guess what I'm ordering right now?


13. Okay, I guess we're all back to our childhood! 


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Social media uma raghuraman instagram uma raghuraman social media blogs saveur magazine masterchefmom instagram food blogger instagram blogger indian food bloggers food bloggers best instagram blogger Bloggers Indian Bloggers