
Alien invasion or Budweiser fridge? The mysterious monolith inspires conspiracy theories and memes

Karishma Jangid
New Update
Mysterious monolith

The mysterious monolith from Utah and Romania is the centre of attention on social media. Along with monolith, we have conspiracy theories and lit memes.

Conspiracy theories and memes are going viral about a mysterious monolith. In a strange turn of events in November 2020 (or not so much because it's 2020), a metal monolith was found at the base of a canyon in Utah's Red Rock Country, stated the US State's wildlife agency. During a routine survey of the bighorn sheep, the team found the monolith, but they could not find when and how it appeared there. On 27th November, the monolith vanished with rocks in the place of the monolith. The Federal Bureau of Land Management’s Utah office announced that "an unknown party" had removed it. On 30th November, a similar monolith appeared in Romania's Batca Doamnei Hill. However, this monolith's surface is covered with looping scrawls. 

Netizens have come up with various theories about these occurrences.  Comparing the events with Stanley Kubrick's film, “2001: Space Odyssey", some people have assumed that this has been executed by an alien race. Some people are calling it a prank. Others have credited the monolith appearances to anonymous new wave artists.

Here are some of the conspiracy theories suggested by people:

Not only possible hypotheses, but netizens have also come up with what they do the best- making memes. Numerous memers, as well as brands, shared memes to joke around the mysterious monolith. Here are some of the dank ones:

What do you think about the monolith? What's your conspiracy theory?


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mysterious monolith monolith memes monolith metal monolith alien invasion 2001: Space Odyssey netizens conspiracy theories Memes Utah romania stanley kubrick