
#PokemonGo leaves the socialverse in splits

Sukaina Meghani
New Update
#PokemonGo leaves the socialverse in splits
A treat for all the virtual game lovers out there, Pokemon Go is the new age smartphone app without geographic boundaries. Getting all the millennials hooked to it (again) after launching their first game on Gameboy almost a decade back.

While most of your friends are busy chasing these characters at work and others with no interest whatsoever, we’ve compiled a list of obsessed and frustrated tweets for you to get your daily dose of chuckle.

Pokemon Go is secretly helping you go on the street and exercise, goodbye leg day.

And doing good to your social life

AA Battery issues replaced with the server but you have to #CatchEmAll

Let’s not forget, Pokemons are more important than your own safety (Pun intended)

So what do you say, want to go for a PokeWalk to #CatchEmAll?

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