Food brand Cadbury sued influencer Revant Himantsingka for his viral video criticizing the ingredients of Bournvita.
Influencer Revant Himantsingka also known as Foodpharmer on social media has been the talk of the town after one of his recent videos on Bournvita went viral. The video that garnered over 12 million views ended up in him receiving a legal notice from Cadbury.
We have all grown up having Bournvita as a chocolate drink brand. The drink is associated with a lot of memories and when Revant decided to call out the brand regarding its ingredients, the internet could not stop but talk about it. The influencer created a video criticising the brand and claiming that Cadbury's Bournvita contains 50% sugar and that the caramel colour is carcinogenic in nature. He questioned whether the government should take action against companies providing misleading information about their products. He argued about the sugar that kids end up consuming thereby mocking that the brand’s catchphrase should be changed from “Taiyari jeet ki”, to “Taiyari diabetes ki”.
The video garnered over 12 million views and was talked about by celebrities and people at large. However, after being sued by the food company, Revant decided to take down the video and also issued an apology for sharing the same. This whole exchange has sparked online discussion where people talked about advertising and the transparency when it comes to products' labelling.
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