What does one get by multiplying boredom, an internet connection, and a sense of humour?
The answer is entertainment and no, not the kind you’re used to. The ones in the form of pointless questions, the sarcastic answers, and haywire conversations we’ve had with our friends. Now imagine doing that with strangers on the internet and not the traditional Facebook or Twitter way, but only in the form of questions and answers.
Quora is a Q&A website, founded by former Facebook employees, Adam D'Angelo and Charlie Cheever. The website does serve its purpose well and has more than 500,000 users, and the information available is endless.
Now, Quora is used to ask insightful questions about the world, the universe, history, science, and everything in between; it is also used to ask questions about, well.. nothing and that makes a lot of sense actually. Want to know why?
Take a look at some of the most ridiculous yet chuckleworthy questions with much more ridiculous answers we came across on Quora.
By using the Jedi mind trick?
When a single accountant gets bored.
All the questions will be asked in Bold and Caps and end with "..the nation wants to know."
They believe in the pilot.
Just going to leave this out here.
Mind = Blown
If it could read this, yeah probably.
Not all heroes wear capes.
He might just make a movie like this someday.
That's just insensitive.