
Sana Grover gets candid about her book 'The Glow Up Guide'

Smrithi Mohan
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Sana Grover

Creator and influencer, Sana Grover has released her book 'The Glow Up Guide' and she talks to us about everything that led to bringing her dream to life.

Confidence has always been something that not everyone has a good relation with. We often are in awe of people who can walk in and brighten the room with their charm. As social media grows as a platform for anyone and everyone, people are always looking for ways that will help them with gaining the kind of confidence that you see online. Creator Sana Grover recognises this need and hopes to contribute in giving young girls the kind of holistic confidence they see all around them.

A lifestyle and fashion influencer, Sana is a graduate from the International Etiquette and Protocol Academy of London. She believes in delivering well curated content for her audience that would connect with them in a meaningful way. Known to go an extra mile when it comes to her content, Sana has a knack for being resourceful to anyone who needs her help. It was this need that encouraged her to write a book and share her thoughts on what would make young girls feel empowered and confident.

Titled 'The Glow Up Guide', the creator describes her book as a combination of her knowledge of fashion with practical advice on self-improvement, self-care, and mindfulness. With exceptional amount of research and knowing about the people she wants to reach out to, Sana has made sure to create something accessible that would help young girls as a guide in their growing up years to become the strong females that they can be.

We had the opportunity to have a chat with her to know more about her book, the process that led to it becoming a reality, her inspiration to write the same and more.

Here's what Sana had to share about her new book:

How has your journey been like from being a creator to an author?

As a fashion creator, I was focused on creating video content that would appeal to a broad audience. However, as I continued to work in the industry, I realised that fashion is not just about clothing, but also about self-expression and confidence. I wanted to help young girls feel empowered and confident in their own skin, so I decided to write a book that would guide them through the process of a holistic glow-up. The book combines my knowledge of fashion with practical advice on self-improvement, self-care, and mindfulness.

Writing the book was a challenging but rewarding experience. I had to do extensive research on topics such as mental health, skincare, nutrition, and exercise to provide young girls with a comprehensive guide to achieving a holistic glow-up. I also had to ensure that the book was relatable and accessible to a younger audience while still being informative and engaging. Overall, I am proud of the work I have done and hope that my book can inspire and empower young girls to feel confident, healthy, and beautiful from the inside out.

You are someone who wants her content to hold some kind of meaning to your audience. How would you describe your content process as?

To ensure that the content holds meaning for the audience, it's essential to start by understanding the target audience and their needs. This means researching the demographic and psychographic information of the target audience, understanding their pain points, and identifying the areas where they need help the most. For my content, the process involves identifying the challenges faced by young girls today, such as social media pressure, mental health, confidence and body image issues. Whether it is my social media or the book, in both cases, it's important to have a clear purpose or message that the content wants to convey to the audience.

The next step would be to structure the content into an organized and cohesive framework that is easy to understand and follow. Once the structure is in place, I begin creating the content, keeping in mind the tone, voice, and language that would resonate with the target audience. It's important to use relatable examples, stories, and anecdotes to make the content more engaging and meaningful. Finally, to ensure that the content holds true meaning for the audience, I engage with them online. This provides an opportunity for the audience to share their feedback, thoughts, and insights on the content, allowing me to better understand how the content is being received and make improvements in the future.

How has your life as a creator helped you with your book?

Creating content as a lifestyle creator has been an incredibly fulfilling experience, and it has played a vital role in shaping my perspective on life. I have always been passionate about helping people improve their lives. Thanks to my work, I’ve had the opportunity to connect with a diverse range of individuals and explore various topics related to fashion, beauty, self-care, and personal growth. I've been able to engage with a wide audience and understand their unique perspectives, challenges, and aspirations. This has helped me to develop a deep empathy for my audience and create content that resonates with them. Additionally, my background in the content creation space has equipped me with skills in storytelling, communication, and visual design, which I've applied to my book to make it engaging, informative, and visually appealing. Through my work, I have also learned the importance of being authentic and transparent in my content. As a result, this book is a reflection of my own experiences too, and I hope that it will resonate with the readers on a personal level.

Can you give us a small gist on what ‘The Glow up Guide’ is about?

I believe a glow up is more than just looking better. It is a process of transformation, growth, and improvement that involves working on various aspects of one's life, including physical health, mental health, relationships, career, and personal development. “The Glow Up Guide: Elegantly Sipping Your Way to Success" is a comprehensive guide for young girls to achieve a holistic glow-up. The book covers various aspects of personal growth, including self-care, dress codes, fine dining, managing finances, dealing with difficult relationships, etiquette, and more, offering practical advice on how to navigate various social situations with grace and poise. Written in royal tones and an exquisite style, this book aims to help girls get ready to step into the spotlight as the best version of themselves.

Was writing a book on etiquette always part of your plan or was your graduate degree a reason?

For me, writing a book on etiquette was not always part of my plan. However, my graduate degree in communication studies with a focus on interpersonal communication sparked my interest in the topic. During my time in the UK, I attended the International Etiquette and Protocol Academy of London where I learned about the importance of etiquette in building and maintaining strong relationships, both personal and professional. I also realized that many young people today, especially in India may not have had the same exposure to etiquette, and I wanted to help fill that gap. As I began to research and write about etiquette, I discovered that there was a lot more to it than just knowing which fork to use at a fancy dinner. Etiquette is really about respect, consideration, and empathy for others, and it can have a significant impact on our relationships and our overall success in life. Through my book, I hope to share my knowledge and help young people navigate social situations with confidence and grace, while also fostering stronger and more meaningful connections with others, and with themselves. Good etiquette can lead to a more inclusive and tolerant society that celebrates diversity and promotes equality. All of these qualities can contribute to making the world a better place.

Fashion and beauty is always, in some capacity, associated with confidence. How do you think they help in building personal growth?

When we feel good about our appearance, we tend to feel more confident and self-assured, which can positively impact our personal growth and development. For instance, when we dress in a way that makes us feel good, we are more likely to carry ourselves with confidence, which can lead to more positive interactions and opportunities. Similarly, when we take care of our skin and overall physical health, we feel more energised and motivated to pursue our goals.

In addition to the external benefits, fashion and beauty can also have internal benefits on personal growth. For example, taking the time to care for ourselves and our appearance can be a form of self-care, which is an essential component of personal growth. When we prioritise self-care, we are better able to manage stress, build resilience, and maintain a positive mindset. Fashion and beauty can also help to cultivate creativity and self-expression, which are important aspects of personal growth. When we experiment with different styles and looks, we are expressing our individuality and exploring new ways of self-expression.

Do you have a favourite chapter from the book that you would want our readers to check out?

During my college years, one of my professors mentioned that his daughter was interested in starting a YouTube channel. Shortly after, I stumbled upon an article that provided tips for growing on YouTube based on the current algorithm. I sent the article to my professor with a brief note, explaining that I remembered his daughter's interest and thought she could find the article helpful. This single action of building a relationship proved to be more valuable than any academic qualification.

More often than not, making conversation is more difficult than it seems. As someone who has always been an introvert, I hated networking or socialising at events (even family weddings) until I realised how easy it actually is, if you’re doing it right. Networking is not just about gathering business cards or adding people on LinkedIn. In the chapter titled 'Small Talks, Big Networks', I have shared my specific strategies for excelling in networking. This chapter is my personal favourite because it contains practical and effective techniques that simplify the most complex ideas.

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