
Supposed Snake rock formation has Redditors freaking the F out - It's hilarious until it turns true

Priyanka Parmar
Updated On
New Update
Snake rock formation (18)

Photos of a supposed Snake rock formation in Thailand have been doing rounds on the internet and Redditors have the most hilarious yet relatable reaction to them!

The internet is an interesting place. The things that viral go viral on the internet and catch everyone's attention range from global protests that change the world to a pandemic to ridiculous dance trends to adorable dog videos and so much more. One section of the internet that especially never fails to engage someone is known as the mighty - Reddit! Yes, Reddit is home to several online communities with varied interests where users share news, views, funny updates and lots more and with each shared update comes a thread of replies that can go from informative, debating, thought-evoking to downright hilarious comments you'd be laughing about for days. The one we're talking about today is no different. So, for a few days now, pixelated photos and low-res videos of apparently recently found Naka Caves in Thailand have been doing rounds on the internet. It essentially shows a giant Snake rock formation dating centuries ago.

Some believe it is a Snake God, while others seem to think the coiling snake-like structure and the supposed mouth of the snake are in two separate locations altogether, only put together to spread rumours. There are also theories on whether humans sculpted the structure or if it's a fossilized snake and also some rather scary ones suggesting that snakes of this size are still present under the earth's surface. Whichever one you believe to be true there's one question that all of these theories and the Snake rock formation seem to have evoked in the majority of Redditors, making this flip out - What if 2020 is the year, the snake comes back to life?! Considering the year 2020 is turning out to be, who's to say it wouldn't, right?!

Take a look at some of the most hilarious reactions on the Snake rock formation. They'll make you go LOL until... I mean, if it comes true:

Snake rock formation (1)

Snake rock formation (1)

Snake rock formation (1)

Snake rock formation (1)

Snake rock formation (1)

Snake rock formation (1)

Snake rock formation (1)

Snake rock formation (1)

Snake rock formation (1)

Also Read: Check out these hilarious meme trends to relieve your stress

Snake rock formation (1)

Snake rock formation (1)

Snake rock formation (1)

Snake rock formation (1)

Snake rock formation (1)

Snake rock formation (1)

Snake rock formation (1)

Snake rock formation (1)

Snake rock formation (1)

Snake rock formation (1)

So... just a Snake rock formation or world-ending serpent, what do you think?


Comments are sourced from Reddit.

Funny world ending jokes redditors reddit thread reddit humour 2020 jokes 2020 end of the world world environment day 2020 AskReddit Snake rock formation reddit