
AIB and Feminism: Sumedh Natu & Aayushi Jagad make one of the best articulated videos ever

Mohammad Kanchwala
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Sumedh Natu

Sumedh Natu, Aayushi Jagad and All India Bakchod show us that the glimmer of hope for humanity with a Twitter discussion that had maturity and mutual respect at display, even in criticism.

Raising a flag at the way women were portrayed and sparsely represented in All India Bakchod’s videos, Sumedh Nathu and Aayushi Jagad created a short, elaborate and succinct video discussing their point of view. Not muddying the valid criticism with accusations and unnecessary inputs, Sumedh and Aayushi’s criticism and call out at the sexism was deeply appreciated by Twitter audiences.

People appreciated and applauded the tonality of the way Sumedh and Aayushi put forth their point across without letting things turn ugly. You can read some of the reactions below,

Sumedh Natu Sumedh Natu Sumedh Natu Sumedh Natu

Although others were worried at how the people at All India Bakchod would take it, and some imagined this was the beginning of an ugly trolling war, or maybe excuses and mea culpas.

To be honest, the fears of it turning ugly were valid because somewhere along the lines, all of us forgot the absolute virtues that are constructive criticism and dignified dialogue, instead opting for total shitshows of two-way criticism, insults and whataboutery.

All India Bakchod surprised one and all with their dignified response, and admission of unknowingly committing the said error with the promise of being more vigilant in future.

Sumedh Natu Sumedh Natu Sumedh Natu Sumedh Natu

In times when heated debates, and futile, often insulting discussions are the norm, this exchange of opinions and expression of mutual respect between Sumedh Natu, Aayushi Jagad and All India Bakchod was a breath of fresh air for Twitter, a platform that is far more well known for the ugly side of human behaviour.

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