
Follow these Indian queer pages to be a better ally!

Smrithi Mohan
Updated On
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Indian queer pages

There are a number of Indian queer pages that every ally and queer individual should check out to be informed about the LGBTQIA+ community.

Creating awareness about the community and acknowledging their existence is important no matter the month. One way to be mindful of the community is to find sources that will help us educate ourselves. And luckily Instagram is a place where you can be informed about the LGBTQIA+ community. There are a number of Indian queer pages that have been working towards helping us be better allies and also supporting the people from the community.

These pages are doing their bit in celebrating Pride all year long and making sure that the queer community in India gets the support that they deserve while shining light on their stories and giving hope to others.

Check 'em out:

Gaylaxy magazine:

The magazine is aimed at getting rid of the misconceptions and stigma attached to the LGBTQIA+ community by sharing regular articles based on authentic content on the same.

Aravani art project:

The project helps in giving people from the transgender community a place to connect. It comprises artists and activists who take part in the coloring, creating, and painting of localities and streets where the transgender and queer communities tend to face a lot of abuse.


From sharing inspiring posts to hosting live events, Queerkala aims at spreading awareness about the community. With a bunch of queer-positive content, they work towards helping people from the community accept and love themselves while exploring opportunities in their interested fields.

Gayasi Family:

The project is aimed at creating a safe space for the people of the community while discussing the struggles, problems, and inequality faced by the people of the community. They intend to give hope to the people through their stories.

Yes, We Exist:

Calling out instances of homophobia in culture and society, this account talks about different identities and helps educated the allies about the LGBTQIA+ community in India.

Official Humans of Queer:

Based on the idea that real stories have the power to transform perspectives, nourish mindsets, provide hope, and change lives, this page aims at helping all the confused and scared queer individuals in India.

The Queer Muslim Project:

Dedicated to helping the Muslims from the community, this project was started by gender and sexuality rights advocate, Rafiul Alom Rahman. The account explores how the people are marginalized for being queer and Muslim while sharing their stories with the world.


An extension of The Humsafar Trust, the account organizes interactive education sessions and shares stories of the youth from the community while celebrating them.

Pink List India:

Focusing on supporting LGBTQIA+ rights, the group talks about politicians who have been supportive of the community. They also encourage fundraisers to educate people about the vocabulary with snippets about subjects such as home capitalism and highlighting the case of Indians from the community who are currently in prison.

LGBTQIAP Plus History of India:

Sharing various snippets about the queer history in India, this page aims to show the country's relationship with the community.

Hope these pages help you be more informed about the community!

Also Read: 10 Indian queer musicians you need to listen to rn!

queer pages queer awareness pride month 2022 Indian queer pages to follow Indian queer pages creating awareness Indian queer pages lgbtq rights' lgbtq community LGBTQIA+ Community indian lgbtq community lgbtq pride