
Friday Streaming - Surely, a bunch of writers has worked on Me Time on Netflix without really talking to each other!

Shachi Lavingia
New Update
Me Time

Kevin Hart is back with another buddy comedy, Me Time that kinda falls flat on its face thanks to its inability to stick to one plot.

'A stay-at-home dad taking a week off to rejuvenate and remember who he used to be' sounds like such a wholesome story, one you're waiting to unfold while you're rooting for him to figure it out, especially if you've watched one of your parents play that role too. What starts off rather well in Me Time, soon begins to highlight so many themes that it's hard to drive the underlying message home.

Cast - Kevin Hart plays Sonny Fisher, a stay-at-home dad who gets so caught up in being a father that it's become his whole identity. Like most films that feature Kevin Hart, this one too has Hart doing what he does best! Mark Wahlberg plays Sonny's best friend and sidekick, Huck Dembo, who is known for throwing iconic parties like his life depends on it.

Storyline - Me Time follows Sonny Fisher going about with his routine - looking after the kids, preparing their meals, being on top of their extracurriculars, being at the front and center of PTA activities at school, and basically running the show on the home front. While Sonny enjoys being the primary caregiver to his children and supporting his super successful wife, Maya, kick ass at work, his family believes that he could do with a week-long break while they're away. Initially, Sonny struggles with enjoying his 'me time' and ends up going for his long-lost best friend, Huck's 44th birthday extravaganza which leads to a series of tiny disasters.

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Watch the trailer here!

What I liked - Writer and director, John Hamburg, didn't make this movie about gender roles and the resentment a stay-at-home parent can harbor for the other, which reminds you that this is indeed a film about an individual's journey and nothing else. Maya Fisher isn't exactly portrayed as an ignorant and disinterested mother and wife in Me Time and the two of them seem to be quite content in their unconventional marriage, which is rather rare to come across. There's no doubt that there are some hilarious parts in this movie, read Kevin Hart and Mark Wahlberg, which makes Me Time a light weekend watch.

What I didn't quite like - In spite of the many many twists and turns this film has - pooping on a cliff and fighting off a lion, dropping a deuce on someone's bed out of spite, mouth-to-mouth with a tortoise, every single bit of it is so darn predictable. And that's disappointing when it's a film that has Kevin Hart in the lead role. Given the number of plots this movie covers, it leaves no real opportunity to build on any one well!

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Netflix Movies me time Me Time Netflix Me Time Review Mark Wahlberg netflix Friday Streaming Kevin Hart