
Moments and quotes where Nick Miller defines what being an adult means

Smrithi Mohan
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Nick Miller

Let's take a moment and thank our crawdaddy Nick Miller for these moments and quotes that give us an insight into adult life!

There are characters who represent the perfect alpha male defying all odds to emerge as the hero and then we have Nick Miller being himself and winning our hearts. If you're a New Girl fan you'd know that the only reason you watch the show over and over again is Nick. This beautiful, light-hearted show is celebrating its 10 year anniversary and on this occasion, we had to talk about one of the greatest characters ever written for TV.

Full nick nick miller GIF on GIFER - by Anayarn

As we're becoming adults, it's just next to impossible to not relate to him. He is the dorkiest, clumsiest character who taught us that being an adult and not having everything figured out is kinda okay. While he's a bartender he also happens to be a socially awkward human being which is quite contrary to his job. There is a lot in this world that he finds annoying and confusing. He might make an effort to learn it but will continue to follow his heart instead. Fixing broken things despite not being good at doing them is one of them. We may find some of his habits gross but after listening to his reasoning, we usually end up agreeing with him. I mean, we still think about how towels wash us so should we be washing the towels? He may lack the ability to show you affection but you know it well that if you give him a cookie he'll probably give you one back. While he continues to remain one of the most adorable characters onscreen, there have been multiple moments when he showed us what being an adult is like. He may not like being an inspiration because of the responsibility it has, but he sure is one for every adult out there. From moonwalking away from problems to making the lamest excuse to get out of a situation, we made a list of few moments that comes straight out of the 'Being Nick Miller' book.

Here's to the stupidest of all the stupid boys:

Been there, done that

We now know better than to stress about stuff and instead care about things that matter. Like our favorite series

If there is a love guru, it is Nick. Adult me just resonates with him on a cosmic level

Our anxiety has often taken over us and we all look into the closet wondering why we bought certain things at all.

Despite every effort, we know that no number of red flags will stop us from falling for that one person.


We also often find ourselves in complete Nick mode but honestly love it.

Remember the promise we made at the start of the lockdown to exercise every day and have a healthy lifestyle? No right? Me too


Flirting or talking to people just seems too much

All problems and one solution


We'll just leave it here

So, what are your favorite Nick Miller moments that made you fall in love with him? Let's discuss this in the comments below.

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