
This puppy video is a tutorial in maintain social distancing

Smrithi Mohan
New Update
puppy video

Take a look at this adorable puppy video as a doggo carrying a giant twig shows people how to properly follow social distancing.

The longer the pandemic stretches on, the easier ithas become for people to ignore safety precautions in public. Looks like, today a cute and adorable puppy has taken upon itself the responsibility to remind people of the same. The Internet becomes bearable because of the thousands of puppy videos that we get to see online. These best friends of hoomans never fail to work their charm and get our attention. A recent video on Twitter has managed to do the same.

A cute little pup can be seen holding a twig, twice its size while he is talking past people in a video posted by a Twitter account called the Welcome to Nature (@welcomet0nature). The pup who seemed to have been playing fetch with his hooman not only did his best in carrying the twig across but also made sure to be quite careful to not hurt the people around. The pupper has certainly placed a good example of how people should be maintaining social distance to keep themselves safe. Twitter shared their adorable reactions on thisΒ puppy video and it has been a happier place since.

Check out this adorable puppy video:

β€” NoriNY 🐘🐼🐨🐻🐰🐣 (@Nori_NYC) September 20, 2020

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