
Kanvi Dholakia's guide to a hassle-free packing will sort your travel

Piyush Singh
New Update

Your trips are better when you pack everything efficiently but not everyone is a master of this craft. Kanvi Dholakia shares her personally tried and tested tricks that will help you do it better. 

We all want to go on travel adventures and make memories but packing for a trip can be a real drag. Just the sheer thought of everything that you need to do before traveling can even drain the enthusiasm out of the most excited wanderlust-infected souls. But let me tell you a secret: if you do it right, packing can be made a bit enjoyable. To avoid the abyss of overstuffed suitcases and frantic last-minute decisions, you need to plan ahead and pack smartly. We had a conversation with fashion and travel blogger, Kanvi Dholakia who shared her packing hacks that she has personally tried and tested. From grabbing the basics to choosing the right suitcase, she goes through it all in the conversation. If you have planned a fun getaway for yourself, consider it as a quick guide to make sure that you pack efficiently and hassle-free. With these suggestions, you'll surely find that even this mundane task can be interesting. It's time to turn those travel prep woes into a well-orchestrated wardrobe waltz! 

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Kanvi Dholakia jots down her tips on having a hassle-free and well-packed travel bag -

Top must-have essentials one should always pack for a trip, regardless of the destination:

Wherever I go, my essential travel bag items consist of a tripod, facial cleanser, travel neck pillow, lip balm, and a stole tucked away in my handbag. Additionally, I always ensure to have a water bottle with me, as staying hydrated is a top priority. As a content creator with a passion for exploration, unexpected detours and spontaneous pit stops are par for the course so when it comes to clothing, I prefer to pack a combination of comfortable, fashionable, and party-ready outfits.

Deciding on the wardrobe while keeping the weather conditions in mind:

I thoroughly enjoy organizing my trips and structuring my schedule around them. I have a travel routine that involves scouting the locations I'll be visiting, exploring charming cafes, beautiful beaches, and everything in between. To ensure that my content resonates with my audience, I meticulously plan my outfits according to the specific characteristics of each location. I also stay informed about the weather conditions and make sure to bring any necessary additions to my wardrobe. Recently, I had the opportunity to visit two distinct destinations, Phuket and Goa. During my time in Phuket, I embarked on an exploratory adventure, immersing myself in the local culture, discovering hidden gems, and enjoying the stunning beaches and beach clubs. My attire for this leg of the trip was thoughtfully selected and included swimwear and beachwear to suit the beach-centric vibe. In contrast, when I reached Goa, my primary goal was relaxation and enjoyment, including some partying. Accordingly, my wardrobe choices mirrored this laid-back yet vibrant atmosphere, featuring a blend of comfortable and stylish party clothes.

Efficient packing plus maximizing luggage space:

I get this question frequently from my friends. I am an efficient packer and my secret weapon is to use organizers to keep things neat and handy. For items like accessories and toiletries, I nest pouches within pouches – it's like a game of space-saving Tetris.

Staying organized while on the road:

My preferred approach to staying well-prepared is to carry a pouch containing miniature versions of all the essential items I need. I have a small pouch that’s like my superhero sidekick when I’m traveling. In this compact pouch, I organize miniature versions of lip balm, face and hand cream, and other vital essentials. Additionally, I always keep a pair of gold and silver earrings within reach, as they effortlessly complement any outfit. Safety pins, rubber bands, and bobby pins also serve as lifesavers in various situations. So, this pouch is like my organized chaos savior, and it's always ready to go!

Packing light yet carrying everything you need: 

As the years have passed, I've come to appreciate the importance of packing light when it comes to traveling. I've adopted a strategy of mixing and matching, and layering my outfits based on the destination. If I were to give some advice to all you readers out there, it would be to become experts in the skill of making one item serve multiple purposes. That, my friends, is the path to successful minimalist packing! 

Keeping important documents and valuables safe while traveling:

I typically go with a backpack that stays with me while I'm on the move. When it comes to important documents, I like to tuck them away in a folder that I keep close at hand. I usually carry two or three copies of these documents with me, and as soon as I check into my hotel, I transfer them to securely locked luggage. I believe that being extra cautious is perfectly fine if it gives you peace of mind. Based on a past experience I had in the United States a few years ago, where I nearly lost my documents, I've found this method to be a reliable solution. So, for me, it's all about keeping things secure with locks and having multiple photocopies on hand

Choosing the right travel backpack or suitcase:

I prefer opting for bright bags that stand out on the conveyor belt. It makes it easy for me to spot my luggage amongst 100 other bags. I would also advise people to ensure that the bag you purchase shouldn’t be too bulky - every ounce counts! Also, ensure your handbag has room to expand; it’s your secret weapon for guilt-free shopping

Packing for extended trips or multi-destination journeys:

I like to plan according to my schedule and then rearrange my clothes. I keep shuffling my outfits so that they can be repurposed and stash the ones that have been used by a different organizer. This helps me classify the used and unused clothes easily.

Travel-specific apps or websites that are good travel assistants:

I take assistance from MakeMyTrip and I also like to explore local apps. When I was in Thailand, I came across ‘Grab’. This app became my go-to for hassle-free cab bookings. 

A travel hack or packing tip I wish I'd known before starting my travel blogging journey:

Looking back, I wish I'd known to invest more in experiences and less in stays. Splurge on local attractions, cozy cafes, and cultural adventures – it's a budget-friendly way to make unforgettable memories and lasting friendships on your journey!

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travel bloggers packing tips packing for travel important travel tips travel tips kanvi dholakia's travel tips kanvi dholakia travel creators Travel Travelling in India