
Twitter hack: Elon Musk, Bill Gates, Obama and others fall prey to Cryptocurrency Scam

Smrithi Mohan
New Update
Twitter hack

Famous verified accounts became prey to Twitter hack. The hackers posted tweets on these accounts asking for money to be sent on a particular bitcoin wallet.

On Wednesday, online scammers took over some of the most prominent profiles on Twitter. These scammers used a tool that is used by the Twitter employees and posted tweets promoting bitcoin scam on their pages. Popular verified user accounts like Warren Buffet, Jeff Bezos, Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Bill Gates, Joe Biden, and Elon Musk among others were the once who fell prey to the Twitter hack and the Cryptocurrency Scam. The tweets suggested the followers donate bitcoins through a particular URL.

After Twitter and its security team noticed the breach, all the verified accounts were locked, keeping them from tweeting. The scam tweet posted an address of a bitcoin wallet were for the money to be transferred. A total of 12.58 bitcoins, worth almost $116,000, was sent to the email addresses mentioned in the fraudulent tweets.

Take a look at how people reacted to the Twitter hack:

— ???? ? (@envyrgn) July 15, 2020

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verified accounts hacked Twitter hacked twitter accounts hacked memes on twitter hacks memes on hacking famous twitter accounts hacked Bill Gates twitter hack elon musk twitter accounts Twitter News joe biden barack obama Twitter jeff bezos warren buffet