
A heroic woman saves a Koala from fire and wins over the internet!

Smrithi Mohan
New Update
woman saves a koala

The internet is going gaga as a woman saves a Koala from an Australian bush-fire. She wrapped the koala in her shirt and poured some water over him protecting him from further harm.

Does it take a lot of effort for people to believe in humanity? All it took was a small animal to make humans believe in kindness and to redefine the virtue that makes the world a better place to live in. This time it was a Koala. Australia witnessed a bush fire on Tuesday that resulted in acres of forest burning down and the habitat of the wildlife in the area destroyed. The video where a woman saves a Koala went viral and people haven't stopped talking about it since then. The internet is melting over Toni Doherty's act of kindness.

Check out the video of how this heroic woman saves a Koala:

The Koala was spotted by Toni when it was trying to escape the fire and walking towards the road. The animal, however, walked back into the fire in order to climb a tree. This caused him with more burn injuries on his legs, paws and nose. Toni after seeing him climb back on the tree reached out and cover him with her own shirt. She along with other men poured water over him and saved him from further injuries.

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The Koala species is said to have been the most affected by the fire that breaks in Australia as they end up climbing the tree. They have to walk past the same scorched earth even if they survive the fire when they come down. About 350 Koalas are thought to have died as a result of such fires. Various rescue teams have dedicated their work towards saving the Koala species.

Here is how people reacted after watching the video that went viral:

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The Koala is now at the Port Macquarie Koala Hospital and is treated for its burns, bruises and dehydration.

Australia woman saves a koala wildlife in australia save wildlife Koala species 2019 humanity forest fire bush fire australia news australia bush fire wildlife 219 koala 2019 news